About Tom – Beyond the Bio

How did you become a coach?

You know how most kids are obsessed with learning about rock stars, athletes or actors? I was obsessed with leaders. Seriously.

From the time I could read, I was fascinated with biographies and autobiographies of world leaders and searching for the answers to questions about: What made a great leader? How did they overcome obstacles to become leaders? How did they motivate their followers?

Yes, I was a nerd. As a professional, however, that study prepared me to be an executive, entrepreneur and ultimately an executive coach. And, I remain curious and love learning from the leaders I coach and interview.

What are you like as a leader?

Of course, my teammates are more qualified to answer this question, but I’ll do my best.

I’ve always sought to follow the approach outlined in Robert Greenleaf’s book Servant Leadership – establish ambitious goals, hire good people, develop their abilities, and empower them to deliver results. Take care of your folks, and they take care of your customers.

In addition, I think we should take our work seriously, but not ourselves. It was Mary Poppins who said it best, “In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun.” As a result, I do my best to have fun with my colleagues. However, I’ve noticed that they stopped referring to my humor as “jokes,” but instead as “dad jokes” when I grew a little older.

Tell me more about your background.

I’m the youngest of six kids reared in a blue-collar family from Ohio. I’ve lived and worked in the Washington, DC area for over 20 years, but the values and work ethic instilled by family remains strong.

The old saying is true. You can take the boy out of the small town, but not the small town out of the boy.

What about now?

I’m married with four kids, and every member of the family is kind, smart, funny and athletic – we need to be in order to keep up with six different schedules. As a result, when I’m not reading or thinking about leadership, I’m usually spending time with the kids, cultivating their passions whether it be films, sports, music or the arts.


What’s really cool is that we have become globe-trotters. While our home base remains in Washington, DC, we are also living in Spain, and traveling all across Europe.

What do you do for fun?

In addition to reading and traveling, I love sports. I enjoy running, biking and playing tennis. Also, I enjoy watching just about every sport, including an increasing interest in European football. I have a pretty eclectic taste in music too—ranging from pop to rock to hip hop to jazz—so I enjoy learning about new artists or types of music.  


Depending on the assignment, Signal House Coaching relies on a team of experienced and certified coaches and consultants who have tackled every challenge facing organizations today. They have backgrounds as former executives, organizational development experts and human resources executives.

Our team is certified on a host of leadership development tools including, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI), the BarOn EQ—i Emotional Intelligence, Ken Blanchard's Situational Leadership Model, the DISC assessment and more.